Monday, January 21, 2008

A Critical Review of is an entertainment blog that deals with celebrities and the top stories of news in the entertainment sector. This is a great website that is appealing and interesting to the reader. In this review, we will take a look what it is exactly that makes this website so good. has nice features on the page that allow the internet user to easily access all of the information on the entire website. They have all of the top related stories in a scrolled view format, listed as most recent information from top to bottom. With the scroll down format, the internet user can easily look for the information that he or she would like to access. A search bar is located at the top right of the page for the internet user to search the entire website with keywords. Also, there are 20 of the most recent stories on the page, with a picture, text, and introduction of what each story pertains to. On the bottom right of each introduction, there is a link that allows the user to continue reading. This is convenient for the reader because they basically only have to look at the main page to see what they are looking for. There is also a link bar located at the top of the page for the users to click and access all of the features of the website. The user can also subscribe to an RSS feed which will let the user know when updated content such as blog entries, pod casts and news headlines are published.

This blog website addresses several issues. It gives the reader the latest news in entertainment, from movies to top stories, breaking news and information on celebrities, this site will provide the reader with all the information he/she needs to know. The site does a good job with its layouts, easy to read font and easy to see pictures. You cannot miss the big picture and text underneath each picture, which will give the reader a clear understanding of what they are about to read. Features such as reviews, trailers, forum, and pod casts are on the link bar for the internet user to access. The trailers and pod casts are essential to this website because nowadays internet users want to watch movies and clips, as opposed to reading all the time. So these two features are great for the website and enhance the internet user’s experience when looking through this site. Not only this, but right below the text is the introduction, or the first part of the blog, so the reader can get a general idea of what is being discussed in the blog. With the latest trailers, latest interviews, and upcoming releases links, the blog website addresses a variety of issues. It keeps the reader up to date on all the entertainment news. The RSS feed is another essential tool to this website because it notifies the users of when something new has been published onto the website. So even though an internet user may not keep checking the website for updates, the RSS feature notifies the user of updates on the website which will keep the user coming back to the website. This blog seeks to address the importance of updating their internet users on the latest news in the entertainment world. This blog is very good because it makes important and useful contributions to the readers, allowing the reader to easily access valuable information all over the website. What makes this blog useful, and in general a well thought out and well done website is the fact that there are so many useful features, but that the page is not cluttered with information. The layout of the blog site is perfect, because there is a lot of information for the reader to go through but at the same time the website doesn’t look too “busy” or cluttered. There are plenty of features that will keep the internet users happy and coming back for more. The trailer link ( is perfect because nowadays we like to watch movies and clips online.

What makes a blog useful and helpful is not only the information on the blog, but the way the information on the blog is portrayed. While has a lot of valuable information, what makes this site such a good blog is the way the information is given. The Layout is perfect, and easily accessible for all the viewers and internet users. This site is very easy to look at, and easy to find what you are looking for. This is what makes a great blog, and is indeed a great blog.

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