Tuesday, January 8, 2008

What is the biggest issue facing blogging, citizenship and the future of media?

The biggest issue with regards to blogging, citizenship and the future of media is the credibility of the blogs that are posted all over the internet. With the advancement in today’s media, anybody is now capable of posting their own blog on the internet. The big issue with this is the credibility of the blog, along with the legal issues that pertain to a blog. People who write blogs can express their own opinions, beliefs, and views on anything. The problem with this is that some views of the blogger’s may be negative and defamatory towards others. Also, the content expressed in the blog must be from the owner. Owners of the blog cannot steal content and use it as their own. This is another big issue because information is sometimes taken by others from other sources and these other sources are not credited, therefore the content is being stolen. With the vast advancements in the internet, there are no limits to the future of the media in regards to blogging.

Anybody nowadays can easily write their own blog, so the internet users must be wise with their actions, and what they say in their blogs because there are a lot of things that are said on the internet that are not credible. If an internet user would like to start his or her own blog, they must follow the set of rules for blogging. These rules can be found here. (http://www.avivadirectory.com/blogger-law/) People must follow all of these rules in order to stay away from trouble and to make sure that the blog they write follows the rules. If bloggers do not follow the rules for blogging, they can get into serious trouble.

Although people can say what is on their mind when writing blogs, people must try and be kind in expressing their opinion and belief and not be so negative towards others. Negativity in regards to blogs are also another big problem and people need to stop being so negative with their opinions and beliefs towards others.

In the future, there will still be a lot of problems with regards to blogging, citizenship and online information that internet users receive. The internet user must be smart enough to know what sources are credible and what things that are said on the internet are true.

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